Dr. Sadao SATO, DDS, PhD



Prof. Dr. Sadao Sato is an internationally most recognized specialist in the area of orthodontics.

In 1971 Prof. Sato graduated from Kanagawa Dental College, Japan.

After having received his degree DDSc in 1979 he became Assistant Professor in Kanagawa Dental University. In 1989 he was appointed Associate Professor and since 1996 until present he has been Professor in Kanagawa Dental University (Orthodontics).

Between 1991 and 2001 Prof. Sato was President of Japan MEAW technique and research foundation.From 1992 onwards until today he has been Member of the Angle Society of Orthodontics.In 2009 Prof. Sadao Sato was appointed as Dean of Kanagawa Dental University.2014 – Present, he is head of research institute of Occlusion Medicine in Kanagawa Dental University.


Developmental mechanisms of different malocclusions and its treatment approach
Diagnosis of function and dysfunction of occlusion in orthodontic practice and interdisciplinary approach
Benefits of bruxism in the psychosomatic system
ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES (listed only international societies)

American Association of Orthodontists
EH Angle Society of Orthodontists
World Federation of Orthodontists
International Association of Dental Research

Interventions of Dr. Sadao SATO, DDS, PhD

  • <p><strong>USE PROMO CODE : EUGENOL</strong></p> <p><strong><br></strong></p> <p><strong>April 2025, as sakura blossoms and Kyoto transforms into a truly magical place, OHI-S invites you to the unique Functional Dentistry Congress. This congress offers a chance not only to engage with the legendary Japanese school of dentistry but also to enjoy the beauty of cherry blossoms, covering Kyoto in a pink haze</strong>.<br><br>The congress will feature outstanding Japanese specialists, widely regarded as masters of their field: Sadao Sato, Kazumi Ikeda, Satoshi Aoki, Toshinari Toyama, Shimpei Sonoda, Taiichi Maekawa.<br>During the congress you will study protocols for working in the concepts of Roth, occlusal plane, functionally discluded occlusion.<br>This congress will give you not only new knowledge and professional skills but also an experience of the harmony between Japanese culture, science, and aesthetics. It’s a rare opportunity to immerse yourself in cutting-edge techniques in functional dentistry while networking with colleagues worldwide, creating enduring international connections.<br><br>IMPORTANT: “<a href="https://ohi-s.com/seminar/171029/" rel="nofollow"><em>Standard</em></a>” and “<a href="https://ohi-s.com/seminar/170912/" rel="nofollow"><em>VIP</em></a>” participation options is also available for purchase.<strong><br><br>Advantages of the “Comfort” participation option:</strong><br><br>– Participation in the scientific program– Coffee break– Notes and handouts– Certificate of participation– ADA credits available upon request– Lunch – A recording of the congress– Priority seats in the venue.<strong><br><br>PROGRAM</strong><strong><u><br>April 2</u></strong><br> <strong>Roth philosophy</strong><br>Kazumi IKEDA<strong><br>Functional TMJ and harmonious orthodontic treatment (3 hours)</strong><br><br>– Harmonize the bite and TMJ = stable results– How do we diagnose the state of the TMJ? History, chairside examination, mount model, imaging (MRI and CBCT)<br>– Tha stability of the jaw position. What does this stability of the jaw position mean in clinical practice?<br>– How does the state obtained by stabilizing the jaw position change compared to before? We compare it with MRI, CBCT, and mandibular movement records<br>– Treating patients with disc displacement (DD)– The effect of jaw position stabilization on mandibular growth.<u><br></u></p> <p><u>Sadao Sato Occlusal Concept</u><br><br>Sadao SATO<strong><br>Orthodontic treatment of patients with malocclusion and TMJ dysfunction</strong><br><br>– The relationship between occlusal development and maxillofacial development<br>– Mandibular deviation and temporomandibular disorders– Protection of the TMJ by occlusion<br>– The relationship of inclination of the occlusal plane and occlusal support<br>– Efficacy of orthodontic occlusal construction in the treatment of TMJ disorders.<br><br>Satoshi AOKI<strong><br>The topic and program of the lecture will be added later (1,5 hours).</strong><strong><u><br>April 3</u></strong><strong><u><br><br>Functionally discluded occlusion (FDO) concept</u></strong><br><br>Toshinari TOYAMA<strong><br>The basics of functionally discluded occlusion and the method for creating crown morphology using the 3-Plane concept (1,5 hours)</strong><br>The program of the lecture will be added later.<br><br>Shimpei SONODA<strong><br>Occlusal adjustment techniques based on functionally discluded occlusion (1,5 hours)</strong><br>The program of the lecture will be added later.<strong><u><br><br>Rudolf Slavicek's functional concept</u></strong><br><br>Taiichi MAEKAWA<br>Digital protocol for sequential occlusion (1,5 hours)<strong></strong><br><br>– Virtual articulator<br>– Digital facebow mount<br>– Digital simulation for proper mandibular position<br>– Digital denture– Digital occlusal surface design. <br><br></p>
    • Kyoto, Japan
    • Japan


    Functional Dentistry Congress in Kyoto

    Kyoto, Japan
    OHI-S medical technology
  • <p><br></p> <p><strong>OFFFRE EUGENOL -11% AVEC LE CODE:&nbsp; KYF11</strong></p> <p>En avril 2025, alors que les cerisiers sont en fleurs et que Kyoto se transforme en un lieu véritablement magique, OHI-S vous invite à l'unique congrès de dentisterie d'Endodontie.<br>Ce congrès offre l'occasion non seulement de s'engager avec la légendaire école de dentisterie japonaise, mais aussi d'apprécier la beauté des cerisiers en fleurs, recouvrant Kyoto d'une brume rose.<br><br>Le congrès réunira d'éminents spécialistes japonais, largement considérés comme des maîtres dans leur domaine : <strong>Sadao Sato, Kazumi Ikeda, Satoshi Aoki, Toshinari Toyama, Shimpei Sonoda, Taiichi Maekawa.</strong><br><br>Au cours du congrès, vous étudierez des protocoles permettant de travailler sur les concepts de Roth, plan occlusal, occlusion fonctionnellement exclue.<br><br>Ce congrès vous apportera non seulement de nouvelles connaissances et compétences professionnelles, mais aussi une expérience de l'harmonie entre la culture japonaise, la science et l'esthétique. C'est une occasion rare de s'immerger dans les techniques de pointe de la dentisterie fonctionnelle tout en nouant des contacts avec des collègues du monde entier, créant ainsi des liens internationaux durables.<br><br></p> <p><strong><u>PROGRAMME</u></strong><strong><br><br>2 avril</strong><strong><br>La philosophie de Roth</strong><strong><br><br>Kazumi IKEDA</strong><br><br>ATM fonctionnelle et traitement orthodontique harmonieux (3 heures)<br></p> <ul><li>Harmoniser l’occlusion et l’ATM = résultats stables</li><li>Comment diagnostique-t-on l’état de l’ATM ? Anamnèse, examen au fauteuil, modèle de montage, imagerie (IRM et CBCT)</li><li>La stabilité de la position de la mâchoire. Que signifie cette stabilité de la position de la mâchoire en pratique clinique ?</li><li>Comment l’état obtenu en stabilisant la position de la mâchoire change-t-il par rapport à avant ? Nous le comparons avec l’IRM, le CBCT et les enregistrements de mouvements mandibulaires</li><li>Traitement des patients présentant un déplacement discal (DD)</li><li>L’effet de la stabilisation de la position de la mâchoire sur la croissance mandibulaire.</li></ul> <p><strong><br>Concept occlusal de Sadao Sato</strong><strong><br><br>Sadao SATO</strong><br><br>Traitement orthodontique des patients souffrant de malocclusion et de dysfonctionnement de l'ATM<br></p> <ul><li>Relation entre le développement occlusal et le développement maxillo-facial</li><li>Déviation mandibulaire et troubles temporo-mandibulaires</li><li>Protection de l’ATM par l’occlusion– Relation entre l’inclinaison du plan occlusal et le support occlusal</li><li>Efficacité de la construction occlusale orthodontique dans le traitement des troubles de l’ATM.<br><br></li></ul> <p><strong>Satoshi AOKI</strong></p> <p>Le thème et le programme de la conférence seront ajoutés ultérieurement (1h30).<strong><br><br><br>3 avril</strong><strong><br>Concept d'occlusion fonctionnellement exclue (FDO)<br><br>Toshinari TOYAMA</strong><br></p> <p>Les bases de l'occlusion fonctionnelle et la méthode de création de la morphologie de la couronne à l'aide du concept à 3 plans (1,5 heure)<br>Le programme de la conférence sera ajouté ultérieurement.<strong><br><br>Shimpei SONODA</strong><br><br>Techniques d'ajustement occlusal basées sur l'occlusion fonctionnellement exclue (1,5 heures)<br><br>Le programme de la conférence sera ajouté ultérieurement.<br><br>Le concept fonctionnel de Rudolf Slavicek<strong><br><br>Taiichi MAEKAWA</strong><br><br>Protocole numérique d'occlusion séquentielle (1,5 heures)<br></p> <ul><li>Articulateur virtuel</li><li>Support d’arc facial numérique</li><li>Simulation numérique pour une position mandibulaire correcte</li><li>Prothèse dentaire numérique</li><li>Conception numérique de la surface occlusale.</li></ul> <ul></ul>
    • Kyoto, Japan
    • Japan


    Congrès d'occlusodontie à Kyoto

    Kyoto, Japan
    OHI-S medical technology OU
    United States
  • <p>Dr. Kraemer’s and Prof. Sato’s Occlusion Program is your best option to learn excellence in both functional and esthetic dentistry.<br><br>This Program will teach you Modern Occlusion Concepts and Comprehensive Interdisciplinary Dentistry. It covers everything from Occlusion, Function, TMD, Diagnosis, Treatment Planning, and Initial therapy, including an understanding for stable Orthodontics. It will be an eye-opening experience about the complexity of the masticatory organ and the responsibility which it imposes on dentists and orthodontists.</p> <p></p> <p><strong>Continuum 2024: May 15 - 18, June 19 – 22, September 11 – 14, December 4 - 7</strong></p>
    • San Francisco, CA
    • United States


    Diagnosis and Treatment Planning in Interdisciplinary Den...

    San Francisco, CA
    IDEA Interdisciplinary Dental Education Academy