Curaden Academy

Scientific Society

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  • 22 Amlehnstrasse
    6010 Kriens
  • Tel : +41 (0)41 319 45 88
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  • <p><br></p><p>In this webinar, Dr. Francisco Molina will talk about how side effects on the gingivae during orthodontic treatment can be prevented.<br><br>The principal focus of orthodontic treatment is the correction of malocclusions. However, at the end of the treatment, many patients experience soft and hard tissue disorders like gingivitis, gum recession, or bone loss, all of which can create further challenges for the practitioner in recovering an optimal situation in mouth. Moreover, such disorders can lead to patient dissatisfaction. This webinar will provide important insights into preventing these complications.</p><p></p><p>In order to register for a webinar you must be a member of Curaden Campus. Registration is completely free</p>
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    Orthodontic Treatment And Periodontal Diseases

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    Curaden Academy
  • <p><br></p><p>El conocimiento del tejido y el material garantizaran una adecuada escogencia del material cementante y un protocolo con base en evidencia cientifica.<br><br>El conocimiento en las técnicas de adhesión y la innovación en los materiales restauradores definitivos estéticos, como son las cerámicas de última generación, han hecho que el odontólogo esté en constante actualización. La adhesión y el conocimiento de los sustratos, tanto dentales como sintéticos, es la clave para lograr restauraciones duraderas y estables el tiempo, lo cual va de la mano de la oclusión o distribución de las cargas y la facilidad de la higiene Oral.<br><br>El objetivo de cualquier tratamiento restaurador es que el paciente se pueda limpiar. Si el odontólogo maneja adecuadamente los conceptos en preparación y manejo de los tejidos y los materiales, además de contar con un equipo técnico adecuado, logrará ese objetivo y sus restauraciones mantendrán un equilibrio junto con el periodonto.<br><br>La tecnología y el manejo de protocolos además de dar la posibilidad de una higiene adecuada con los elementos bien seleccionados darán satisfacción estética al paciente y profesional al odontólogo.</p><p></p><p></p><p>In order to register for a webinar you must be a member of Curaden Campus. Registration is completely free</p>
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    Cementacion Y Preparacion

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    Curaden Academy
  • <p></p> <p>Compared to natural teeth, dental implants do not have an immune system. Consequently, biofilm formation can cause quick peri-implant inflammation. However, using the correct devices dentists can try to prevent this.<br><br>Every 12 hours occurs biofilm and plaque formation on all surfaces in the oral cavity. For oral bacteria it makes no difference on which type of surface they grow and build a biofilm, however, the rougher the surface the quicker and denser the plaque formation becomes. Bacteria also adhere to ceramic crowns, zirconium abutments, and titanium oxide of dental implants. According to the latest data, biofilm plays a major role in the development of peri-implant diseases.<br><br>Peri‐implant diseases include peri‐implant mucositis, an inflammatory lesion of the peri‐implant mucosa; and peri‐implantitis, which also includes loss of supporting bone that can lead to implant failure if it is not treated. However, the prophylaxis of peri-implantitis is not so complicated if dental professionals understand the nature of biofilm, have the right tools and techniques and understand the essence of patient motivation. The main question this webinar tries to answer is how to effectively manage biofilm formation around dental implants using perfectly suited individual oral hygiene devices.</p> <p></p><p></p> <p>In order to register for a webinar you must be a member of Curaden Campus. Registration is completely free</p>
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    Effectiveness Of Different Devices

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    Curaden Academy
  • <p><br></p><p>Endoperio disease — it looks hopeless but if you understand the strategy of preserving teeth, there is a good chance to save them. A key factor could be changing patient motivation by using the T2T concept.</p>
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    Treating endo-perio disease

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    Curaden Academy
  • <p><br></p><p>What is the best way of behaviour management for the child in specific situation: sedation, general anaesthesia or something else? What factors should be taken in consideration? We cannot make an important decision based on emotional factors but must rely on objective measurements.<br><br>There are more and more comfortable and painless clinics for children all over the world. But still a lot of kids have to be brave enough for dental visits. Our patients have a DBMP (dental behavious management problems) for many reasons. Sometimes it’s a negative experience after past dental treatment, sometimes it’s just a feature of character. We know and can correct many factors. Nowadays it’s much easier to find a really good dental clinic with sedation and GA. The main problem is decision. We hear from parents that they were in several clinics and all doctors have different opinion about effective way for treating their child. The main criteria for parent’s decision is trust to the dentist. But as specialists, we can not make an important decision based on emotional factors. Our decision needs to be taken based on many objective factors.<br><br>All of us know the Indications for non-medical behaviour technic. But most of us has a different criteria of success. Is it «ok» if child cries a little bit or not? Is it already indication for sedation? Shall we speak with parents about GA if first visit with sedation was failed? Let’s systematise our approach based on clinical experience, results and literature recommendations.<br><br>During presentation I’d like to discuss the way of professional planing and treatment children with DBMP. We will see examples of real patients – tactic of behaviour and clinical parts of dental treatment.<strong><br><br>Learning objectives:</strong><br></p><ul><li>Professional planning and treatment of children with DBMP</li><li>Algorithm to assist decision making</li><li>Presentation of real cases</li></ul>
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    Dilemma Between Adaptation

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    Curaden Academy
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    Why is every patient different?

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    Curaden Academy
  • <p>Within a clinical environment, biofilms are believed to be responsible for over 65% of hospital-acquired infections, which often originate from biomaterial surfaces of medical devices. This webinar will focus on our understanding of biofilms in several infections including, oral candidiasis.</p>
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    En ligne (Webinar)
    Curaden Academy
  • <p><br></p><p>Within a clinical environment, biofilms are believed to be responsible for over 65% of hospital-acquired infections, which often originate from biomaterial surfaces of medical devices. This webinar will focus on our understanding of biofilms in several infections including, oral candidiasis.</p>
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    En ligne (Webinar)
    Curaden Academy