Dr. Arndt HAPPE



Dr. Happe is a referee within the scope of the Curriculum Implantology of the State Dental Association Lower Saxony and Westfalen-Lippe, as well as the Federal Association of Dental Implantologists (BDIZ EDI) and the Curriculum aesthetic dentistry of the German Association for Aesthetic Dentistry (DGÄZ).

Furthermore, Dr. Happe was repeatedly stated one of Germany’s best dental implantologists in the magazine “Focus” in 2014, which is an appreciation of his expertise at federal level. In addition, Dr. Happe is associate professor at the University of Cologne since September 2013, being a member of the Faculty of Medicine. He has a professorship in the field of Dental, Oral and Orthodontic Medicine.

Interventions of Dr. Arndt HAPPE

  • <p></p><p><b>Chirurgie 1 </b></p><p>Extraction implantation et temporisation immédiate : Comment obtenir un résultat esthétique stable à long terme (Dr Matteo Capelli)</p><p><b>Chirurgie 2 </b></p><p>Challenge esthétique : Apport d’un nouveau design implantaire (Dr Arndt Happe)</p><p><b>Chirurgie 3 </b></p><p>Pérenniser les tissus mous en cas de greffe osseuse, conjonctif enfoui, PRF. (Dr Philippe Colin)</p><p><b>Chirurgie 4 </b></p><p>Gestion d’un échec implantaire (Dr Arndt Happe) </p><p><b>Chirurgie 5 </b></p><p>Récession péri-implantaire : savons-nous la corriger ?</p><p>Greffe mucogingivale autour d’un implant (Dr Matteo Capelli)</p><p><b>Mise en place des prothèses</b></p><p>Table ronde </p><p></p>
    • Neuilly-sur-Seine, France
    • 55 Boulevard du Château


    Déficiences esthétiques et vieillissement des tissus impl...

    Neuilly-sur-Seine, France
    EID - Excellence In Dentistry