Featured Events
  • <p><strong>LIMITÉ À 10&nbsp;PARTICIPANTS</strong></p> <p><strong>UNE SEULE PLACE DISPONIBLE</strong><br><u></u><u><br></u></p> <p><u>Cours théorique :&nbsp;</u><br></p> <p>Aperçu théorique sur les différentes connaissances de base et fondamentales pour le développement des techniques chirurgicales et implantologiques, telles que l’anatomie du champ de travail, évaluation radiologique, le diagnostic et la planification. <br>Structures anatomiques implantables, description de l’anatomie des mâchoires du point de vue de l’implantologie. Planification des interventions chirurgicales. Diagnostic radiologique et évaluation des tomographies et implantologies. Introduction à la section pratique étape par étape</p> <p><strong><u>Cours pratiques :&nbsp;</u></strong></p> <p>Toutes les pratiques seront effectuées sur des têtes de cadavres cryoconservés dans la salle d’anatomie de la faculté de Médecine de l’Université de Barcelone. <br>Les étudiants recevront tout le matériel nécessaire à la pose de différents implants ECKERMANN. Ils apprendront et exécuteront les techniques les plus élémentaires aux plus avancées, en faisant un tour complet de la chirurgie appliquée à l’implantologie. <br>Vous recevrez une attention personnalisée, avec un professeur pour deux étudiants qui vous guidera pratique par pratique.<u><strong><br></strong></u></p> <p></p> <p><u><strong>Thèmes abordés :&nbsp;</strong></u></p> <p>&nbsp;Exploration des structures anatomiques :</p> <p>- Localisation des foramen mentonier<br>- Localisation apophyses alvéolaires<br>- Localisation des nerfs mentonniers</p> <ul><li>&nbsp;Optimisation de la séquence de forage</li><li>Chirurgie mini-invasive</li></ul> <ul><li>&nbsp;Implants post-extractionnels immédiats</li><li>&nbsp;Greffes de tissu conjonctif<br><br></li><li>Implants dans la mâchoire supérieure</li><li>Expansion de la crête atrophique<br><br></li><li>Soulever des sinus<br>(traumatiques et atraumatiques)</li><li>&nbsp;Application biomatériaux et membranes</li><li>&nbsp;Implants dans la zone de la tubérosité<br><br></li><li>Révision anatomique articulation temporo-mandibulaire CHECK-SQUARE Extraction de greffons osseux</li><li>&nbsp;Transposition du nerf dentaire inférieur<br><br></li><li>Démonstration avec implants zygomatiques</li></ul>
    • Barcelona, Spain
    • 143 Carrer de Casanova


    La chirurgie avancée en implantologie

    Barcelona, Spain
    Academic Dentaire
    United States
  • <p>This dental course on bonded posterior restorations features all aspects of tooth-colored direct and indirect restorative protocols as well as the specific aspects of bio-mechanically fragilized teeth, like cracked teeth and non-vital teeth.</p>
    • San Francisco, CA
    • United States


    Esthetic Posterior Restorations: Function, Biomechanics, ...

    San Francisco, CA
    IDEA Interdisciplinary Dental Education Academy
  • <p>Join us in Tijuana for a unique and immersive educational experience. Our 5-day course combines informative lectures with hands-on live patient surgeries, offering participants the opportunity to gain extensive practical experience. Over the course of five days, each attendee will have the chance to perform implant placements using both freehand and surgical guide techniques.<br><br>This comprehensive program is designed to enhance your proficiency in surgical implantology, providing you with the confidence and knowledge needed to address more complex cases within your private practice.</p>
    • Tijuana, Mexico
    • Paseo del Centenario


    Comprehensive Live Surgery Course: Freehand and Guided

    Tijuana, Mexico
    DIO Implant Corporation
    United States
  • <p>Whether you own a dental microscope or are contemplating purchasing one, this dental microscope course will immediately get you ready to incorporate the dental microscope into your practice routine.<br><br>If you already own a dental microscope, this course will aid the transition from it being an ornament to becoming an essential tool of your dental practice.<br><br>This hands-on course is a great opportunity for you to upgrade your clinical skills in different restorative techniques in cosmetic dentistry at the same time while getting proficient with the microscope.<br><br>A well-versed course in using the scope as well as practicing cosmetic dentistry. This course will help you to implement a comprehensive use of the microscope and gives you a solid foundation and lots of confidence in practicing with it.</p>
    • San Francisco, CA
    • United States


    The Dental Microscope

    San Francisco, CA
    IDEA Interdisciplinary Dental Education Academy
    United States
  • <p>Heighten your senses and reflect on your purpose as you introspectively examine your journey. The Canyon Ranch Woodside Retreat is located just outside of San Francisco in the redwoods of Northern California, allowing you to experience immersive wellness with services and events that connect you to nature, to community, and to yourself.<br><br>Consider daily resort activities such as hiking, forest meditation, sunrise yoga and more! Plus, kayaking and a vineyard tour and tasting will be scheduled, and you have more choices of guided mountain biking, Equus coaching, or a Filoli Historic House and Garden tour.<strong><br><br>We will have 2 lectures provided by Canyon Ranch Woodside for CE Credit:</strong><br><br>The Mindful Workplace: DEIA in Healthcare: As communities and workplaces move towards resilience and wellbeing, explore the connections between compassion and healing to discover how mindfulness increases awareness and willingness to foster pathways to equity.<br>Replenishing the Well: Feeling exhausted and overwhelmed, especially in the workplace? Burnout, fatigue, and stress can dry our inner wellsprings, impacting not only individual performance but also team dynamics. Drawing from ancient wisdom and modern science, learn 10 simple, evidence-based practices to replenish your energy and, in turn, positively influence your team. Leave with the ways to restore your energy, wellbeing and creativity, fostering a more resilient and collaborative work environment for everyone on your team.</p>
    • Woodside, CA
    • 16350 Skyline Boulevard
      United States


    Woodside Wellness Experience

    Woodside, CA
    United States
  • <p><strong>Learning Objectives :</strong><br><br></p> <ul><li>Review biomechanical, histological, and long-term clinical evidence of osseodensification</li><li>Learn and practice the clinical versatility of Osseodensification :<ul><li>Sub-Crestal Sinus Lift</li><li>Lateral Ridge Expansion</li><li>Immediate implant Placement with OD</li><li>GuidedExpansion Graft (2-stage approach)</li><li>Molar Septum Expansion with immediate implant placement</li></ul></li></ul> <ul><li>How can we preserve bone, plastically expand it, and enhance its strength in a controlled method</li><li>The effect of Osseodensification on implant total stability development for early and immediate loading</li><li>Risk assessment and avoiding complications</li><li>Hands-on pratical training utilizing actual bone specimens and simulation models</li></ul> <p></p>
    • Chicago, IL
    • 205 North Michigan Avenue
      United States


    Osseodensification Level I

    Chicago, IL

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